
Put your spoon in the bowl.
Pull it out.
Usually it’s a mess of letters that makes no sense.
But every so often, you’ll pull out a string of letters that form a perfect word.
And it’s delicious.

Alphabet soup.


52 thoughts on “About

    • Everybody loves soup! (I make a mean chicken soup from scratch.)

      Welcome. this site will be mostly creative writing – not the essay/memorist/general stuff I’d done.


  1. What what what!! How did I not know of this?!! And all this time I thought you weren’t blogging anymore 😦
    I do feel slightly betrayed 😦

    Now I want a whole drum of soup to make up for this Guapo! >_<

    I visited your old blog sometime ago but there was no new post? So sorry I missed all of your posts on this blog all this time. I probably missed it if you ever mentioned this blog 😦

    Now I'm going to bug you forever 😀


    • Thanks LC!
      I’m mostly not blogging. This site is just for the once in a while fiction I have to get out of my head – no memoir or anything like that.
      I didn’t mention this one to anyone, and just put up a link on my old blog without announcing it.
      The quiet life for me!
      Glad you made it by, and I’m still looking forward to reading your stuff on your page!


  2. El Guapo! Just a quick note…
    Last night I watched the new episode of “Scorpian”. Can’t help it I love the show.
    The main characters end up at some gaming convention where one of them does something spectacular with a game to get into a secret room. The hostess says, “I’ve never seen that happen before. Wait a minute, yes I have! EL GUAPO! ” I couldn’t stop laughing the rest of the show every time I thought of it and then at the end they do a scene on the famous El Guapo. It’s great.


  3. What the hell?! I can’t believe I’ve been in the dark about your blog all this time. Oh, I feel so sad all of a sudden, but happy I found you again! I LOVE SOUP!!! It’s perfection when you find just that one word. I know the feeling. Good to see you again, Guapo!


  4. Omg, Guapamole! Love that, btw, whoever came up with that should win a prize.

    Can’t believe it is JUNE and you have been serving soup for months and I didn’t know! Following now, of course.

    Glad to see you here…will email about bike adventures. 🙂



  5. Brilliance!

    Much better than my own “You gotta trim that nosehair, if you want to soak them beans.”
    (Perhaps you begin to see the wisdom of my original reply…)


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